Terms & Conditions
Price list

Invoicing / confirming your enrolment
Clients will be emailed invoices prior to the commencement of each term. Accounts must be paid in full by their due date to secure your spot in our program. Any eligible discounts will be void on invoices after their due date. Each term’s invoice will differ depending on the number of weeks in the term. GP Tennis term dates are in line with the Victorian Government School Dates. GP Tennis does not invoice for Public Holidays as there is no coaching on these days. If you would like to make a change to your class or do not wish to continue with your lessons for the following term please email info@gptennis.com.au three weeks prior to the end of term so we can adjust your booking and invoice accordingly.
Public Holidays
There is no coaching on Public Holidays. You will not be invoiced for any Public Holiday therefore you will not need a make-up lesson. In the instance that a Public Holiday falls on a Monday, no coaching will run on the Saturday and Sunday prior. In the instance that a Public Holiday falls on a Tuesday, please check with your Coach that there are still lessons on the Monday and weekend prior. All term dates will be clearly outlined on your invoice.
Weather / Wash Out / Heat Out
In the event of a wash-out or a heat-out due to the weather you will be sent a text message by your Coach at least half an hour prior to your lesson to notify you that the lesson has been cancelled. Your Coach will endeavour to text as soon as possible but sometimes may have to wait until close to the lesson to determine the right decision. Please do not call your Coach to enquire if the lesson is going to proceed, if you have not heard from us assume the courts are playable and attend your lesson as usual. If the lesson is cancelled due to weather please check with your Coach as to when you can attend a make-up lesson.
Illness / Injury
You must notify GP Tennis no less than 12 hours prior to your lesson if you can not make it due to illness or injury in order to arrange a make-up lesson.
If you are enrolled in a private lesson please contact your Coach directly to schedule a make-up lesson.
If you are enrolled in a group lesson please contact the GP Tennis Customer Service Team via text on +61 402 296 835 with: Student name, Venue name, lesson time and reason for not attending.
Only 2 make-up lessons will be available per student per term for illness/injury and at least 12 hours notice must be provided. These must be completed within the same term.
Please notify GP Tennis via email at the beginning of each term if you are missing any lessons due to travel arrangements. Students will be offered opportunities to attend make-up lessons. If it is not possible for make-up lessons, at GP Tennis’s discretion we may agree to adjust the invoice for the weeks that the student can attend lessons.
Make-up Lessons
Make-up lessons are only available to students who have met the criteria listed above. If we have not been notified as to why you were unable to attend with sufficient notice you will not be offered a make-up lesson. Make-up lessons are only available within the same term. There are only 2 make-up lessons per student per term. Make-up lessons are the students’ responsibility to follow-up. Make-up lessons must be made up, these will not be refunded. Students can attend another similar class at any GP Tennis venue for a makeup lesson.
If you are enrolled in a private lesson please contact your Coach directly to schedule a make-up lesson.
If you are enrolled in a group lesson please contact the GP Tennis Customer Service Team via email via info@gptennis.com.au with: Student name, Venue name, lesson time, reason for make-up request and which session you will be attending as your make-up lesson.
Discounts are to reward multiple Tennis touchpoints, support those who are committed to Tennis and support families with multiple kids wanting to play Tennis. The following discounts are per client participating in multiple classes as well as two participants in one class per family.
Participating in 2 group sessions, you will receive 5% off the second session
Participating in 3 group sessions, you will receive 5% off the second session and 10% off the third session
Participating in 4 or more group sessions, you will receive 5% off the second session, 10% off the third session and 15% off the fourth and every session after that
Refer a friend and once they have paid for the term you will receive a 10% discount for your next term of coaching. Refer 2 friends, get 20% off etc.